Aischdall Plus 2004
Art at the Eisch
On a hyking trail of 6 Km from Septfontaines to Koerich the walkers got information about
the history and nature of the valley of the Eisch.
The weekend of the 18th and 19th september the artist were working on their projects on the way.
On a leaded wandering you got a lot of information of the valley of the Eisch.
The weekends of the 2nd to 3th and the 9th to 10th october the visitors could admire the finished artworks
around the hiking trail and the exhibition of "Nature & Art" composed of pictures showing artworks made of
natural materials, made by childrens in the vacation activities.
On all the three weekends were animations and there was everything for the well-being.
Beside the usual barbecue, coffee and cake
you could taste seasonal meals.
The organisation was made by the local workinggroup Aischdall Plus
in cooperation with the local music of Septfontaines,
the FC ISKA Boys, the local volunteer fire brigade,
the women & mothers Of Septfontaines
and the Memorial Club Simmer.
Pictures in the gallery.